10 Day Drawing Challenge!
It’s an insanely crazy and stressful time that we are currently in, with so many of us stuck at home we are looking for new things to pass the time. Personally I think this is a great time to be creative, it helps keep you positive and can help you develop a new skill (or improve on an old one!)
I’m also finding this a weird time for me, and for my art and for this little business of mine. So I thought to keep myself positive and creative every day I would set myself a drawing challenge… just a small prompt everyday to keep me inspired. BUT instead of keeping this to myself I thought it would be great to share with you all and do it together!
I have tried to create some variety within the prompts to challenge you and hopefully take you out of your comfort zone a bit! Some prompts are really literal and some are very open so it's up to your own interpretation. I will be sharing my paintings everyday on here ( and on my Instagram) along with some daily painting, sketching and inspiration tips to help you along.
I want to show all the great places we can go to take inspiration from, we live in a very digital age which is a great source of inspiration BUT this isn’t the only great source of inspiration. So step literally outside your front door and paint from what you see ( as in the Day 1 prompt), or for something like the prompt ‘Blue’ why not think really out of the box in what you could paint with this prompt. Its all up to you! I can’t wait to see what this little art community creates.
Happy painting!