'On Board' Exhibition

As part of Queenstown’s Winter Festival the Queenstown Arts Centre is holding an exhibition with NZ Shred titled ‘On Board’. The exhibition is being held from … I am taking part of this exhibition alongside 46 other incredible artists who have all recycled an old snowboard and turned it into a new piece of art.

I am so excited to be a part of this exhibition which not only brings together the community for Winter Fest but also puts each artists entry donation towards helping charities.

For the design of my snowboard I used the snow theme and the current inspiration from my new extinction project to create a totem pole style board with four endangered and at risk species. I choose to include a Siberian tiger, Polar bear, Snow leopard and Walrus to provide variety and show how many species we are damaging through our acts as humans.

To see my ‘Racing Extinction’ board make sure to head to the Queenstown Arts Centre on 21st June!


Endangered Species


1K Turtle Aid